Lit Final.png

Space is Lit

In this top down survival horror game with Tobii EyeX support, your eyes betray you as you try to fight off whatever is lurking in the shadows of a derelict spacecraft.

Space is Lit was built in less than 48 hours as part of a weekend challenge at the University of California, Irvine. This game fully utilizes the Tobii EyeX, a sensor bar for your PC that tracks your eyes in 3D space and can tell precisely where they are looking on screen. It's a survival horror game in space (cause who doesnt love some Alien?). Simply look on screen where you want your flashlight to point, but be careful, there might be other unexpected visitors on this derelict spacecraft that wont take too kindly to getting a light in their eyes. I was responsible for all the enemy AI which included numerous behavioral quirks and path finding. See the code below! Note: The game requires the Tobii EyeX to play.